
Research in the Klein College of Science
Innovative research driving scientific discovery
The Klein College of Science supports UNC Charlotte as a top-tier research university that drives innovation. With deeply engaged interdisciplinary research in biological sciences, mathematics and statistics, chemistry, physics and optics, and the botanical gardens, the Klein College of Science is advancing the future through inquiry, research and creative discovery.
Our students and researchers collaborate with experts across campus and industry partners in the Charlotte region and beyond, improving economic development and creating novel solutions for an advancing world.
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Honeybee colonies continue to disappear because of a mysterious condition called Colony Collapse Disorder, which threatens pollination and influences the…

As the new director of the UNC Charlotte Botanical Gardens, Jeff Gillman sees his mission as engaging the public with…

UNC Charlotte student scholars are researching diverse topics ranging from lightning strike patterns in the Southeast U.S. to the connection…

A research team including a senior biology major has made progress towards finding a weak spot in the architecture of…