Student Stories

“Life is Your Lab”: Science Festival Offers Expo, Talks, Film Series
As part of the 2014 North Carolina Science Festival in late March and early April — with its theme of “Life is Your Lab” — UNC Charlotte will present a Science and Technology Expo, a seven-event public science lecture series, a four-event film festival and a star party. College of Liberal Arts & Sciences students, faculty and staff are deeply involved with these community events, as presenters and volunteers.

Chemistry Students Plan Fundraiser for Alumna Fighting Cancer
In support of alumna Jessica Bongiovanni, who three months ago learned that she has a rare form of bone cancer, the Association of Chemistry Graduate Students is hosting a pie-throwing fundraiser – the “Pie Your Chemistry Professor or Lab TA” event – in the West Quad area on Tuesday, Oct. 23, from 12:30 to 3:30 PM.

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Students Named Among Best of the Best
Five College of Liberal Arts & Sciences students were among the nine students named “Best of the Best,” in April for extraordinary contributions to UNC Charlotte through academic and co-curricular pursuits. The Center for Leadership Development coordinated the awards.
Chemistry Students’ Video Brings National Attention to UNC Charlotte Nano Program
A group of UNC Charlotte chemistry graduate students, armed with nothing but a video camera and a catchy tune, submitted a video called “NanoGirls” to the American Chemical Society (ACS) for their second annual “nano video” contest. Organized as an outgrowth of ACS’ scientific publishing in the area of nanoscale science, the contest seeks creative […]