Biology Major Overcomes Obstacles; Earns GSK Opportunity Scholarship

By Brittany Algiere
Student Communications Assistant
CLAS Communications and Marketing Office
UNC Charlotte biology major Kayla Kinard has defeated struggles and overcome obstacles that could have stopped her in her mission for an education. Instead, she has found her efforts rewarded with one of six GSK Opportunity Scholarships, awarded to students who have conquered adversity to pursue education.
“It is strength of character that allows a person to overcome significant adversity and hardship,” Daniel Troy, GSK senior vice president and general counsel, wrote. “It is often coupled with a decision not to allow circumstances beyond our control to define who we are – or what we will do with our lives.”
Kinard described herself as humbled, grateful and amazed by her award. “I get to follow my dreams and continue my education,” she said. “I won’t have to worry about paying out of pocket, at least for now.”
Throughout Kinard’s senior year of high school, her mother, Tesca Kinard, was in and out of the hospital struggling with chronic heart failure that had troubled her throughout Kinard’s life. Tesca Kinard’s heart even stopped before her daughter could leave the house on prom night, turning the special night into a tragedy. Kinard performed CPR and went with her mother to the hospital. She took prom pictures in the hospital that night, before attending prom at her mother’s urgency.
Despite the struggles, Kinard never quit. While caring for her mother and managing household demands, Kinard worked two jobs outside the home and held leadership positions such as class president each of her four years in high school. She graduated second in her class, with a 4.4 grade point average. When Kinard spoke at her high school graduation, her mother watched online, unable to attend.
“Not having my mother physically there for big events in my life, such as prom and graduation, was very difficult,” Kinard said. “It was hard. I didn’t want to go to school, but my mother kept pushing me to go and pretend like everything was OK. I had so many unexcused absences that I almost went to truancy court. In my eyes, giving up was an option, but not in my mother’s.”
Kinard now is a sophomore at UNC Charlotte focused on her studies, while also working as a communications assistant for the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences’ communications and marketing office. She is thinking about becoming a doctor or dentist, feeling a strong desire to help others by pursuing a medical career.
“I’m leaning more towards dentistry,” she said. “I’m enjoying the college experience at UNC Charlotte. I’m really thankful for my mother and Ms. Godwin, who was a teacher and a family friend, for making me stay focused, putting my education first, and guiding me down the right path.”
Photos courtesy of Kayla Kinard